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Recreation Program

This program is open to all Springfield players grades Pre-k Through 8th Grade

Travel Program

All Springfield players are welcome to tryout for an aged-based team.


A big thank you to all the sponsors that support the Springfield, NJ Baseball League.  Your generosity and support is greatly appreciated.

Visit Our Sponsor Page

Code of Conduct

Springfield Baseball encourages a positive learning environment for young athletes. Parents, coaches and players are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and abide by the code of conduct set out for participants in the game and observing from the sidelines. Failure to do so may result in formal warnings, suspension or ban from future participation in Springfield Baseball activities.

Attention Dayton Baseball Seniors

The SNJBL awards scholarships to Jonathan Dayton High School seniors that participated in our program and continued to play throughout high school.
To apply please click <HERE>

Springfield NJ Baseball League

Springfield, NJ provides boys and girls from Pre-K through 8th grade the opportunity to participate in clinics, recreation baseball and travel baseball.